18013 Get More Pictures 18017 The estimated email size has exceeded 2 MB.\nSome email services may not allow a recipient to receive an email with attachments larger than 2 MB.\n\nDo you want to continue sending the message? 18020 Launch address book 18021 Unable to connect to the Kodak Email server.\nPlease make sure you are connected to the Internet.\nIf you are connected to the Internet, the Kodak Email server may be busy.\n\nTo retry sending the message(s), click Retry.\nTo save the message(s) on the To Do List to perform later, click Create To Do.\nTo cancel sending the message(s), click Cancel. 18022 If you cancel this task, all tagging information from the camera will be lost.\nAre you sure that you want to cancel the task? 18024 Failed 18027 Sending Email. 18028 Preparing to background send...Please wait. 18029 The selected Nicknames and the associated email\naddresses will be updated on the camera. This will overwrite\nthe current email addresses on the camera. 18060 Suitable for Print Sizes up to 5x7 18061 Suitable for All Print Sizes 18100 Nickname 18101 Email Address 18102 First Name 18103 Last Name 18104 Send to Camera? 18108 The maximum number of checkable items has been reached. 18110 To send an email address to the camera, there needs to be a\nNickname for the contact. Do you want to give the contact a Nickname? 18113 About to delete the selected contact(s). Do you wish to continue? 18114 Email 18115 Email 18116 Help 18117 To update the Camera Address Book:\n\n1. Enter a Camera Nickname for each contact.\n2. Select the Send to Camera checkbox for each contact.\n3. Click Update Camera. 18119 Select the picture file size: 18120 The Email address %s\nmust contain the '@' character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18121 The Email address\n%s\nexceeded the valid Email length of 256 characters.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18122 The Email address %s\nmust contain the '.' character after the '@' character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18123 The Email address %s\ncontains an invalid first character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18124 The Email address %s\ncontains an invalid last character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18125 The Email address %s\ncontains more than one '@' character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18126 ()<>,;:\"[] are invalid characters in an Email address.\nThe Email address %s\ncontains an invalid character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18127 Edit Contact 18128 New Contact 18130 Pending 18131 Sending 18132 Ready 18133 Complete 18134 The currently selected pictures and the message recipients will\nbe saved as an Email To Do task.\nTo perform the task later, go to the To Do List in My Collection. 18135 The Camera Address Book has been successfully updated on the camera. 18136 The Camera Address Book is unable to be updated on the camera.\nReason for this update failure: 18137 The Address Book is unable to save the contact information. 18138 The Address Book is unable to remove the selected contact(s). 18139 The Address Book is unable to open. 18140 The Address Book is unable to update the contact information. 18141 Enter the contact information below. 18142 Change the appropriate information below. 18143 The Address Book is unable to retrieve the contact information. 18144 There is insufficient disk space to temporarily copy the\npictures you are sending.\n\nTo retry sending the message(s), click Retry.\nTo save the message(s) on the To Do List to perform later, click Create To Do.\nTo cancel sending the message(s), click Cancel. 18145 Connection to the Kodak email server was temporarily interrupted.\nThe server may be busy.\n\nTo retry sending the message(s), click Retry.\nTo save the message(s) on the To Do List to perform later, click Create To Do.\nTo cancel sending the message(s), click Cancel. 18147 The character combination %s is invalid in an Email address.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18148 Processing 18149 Canceled 18150 The Nickname is already associated with another contact.\nPlease create a unique Nickname for this contact. 18151 In order to edit an address a row must be selected. 18152 You did not select any pictures to send with this message.\nDo you want to continue sending the message? 18153 MB 18154 To select recipients for your email, click each contact and click Done.\n\nTo update the Camera Address Book:\n1. Enter a Nickname for each contact.\n2. Select the Send to Camera checkbox for each contact.\n3. Click Update Camera. 18155 Create To Do Item 18156 Only one email address is allowed per contact. 18157 You have updated the contacts and/or the related information selected to be sent to the camera;\nhowever, you did not update the camera.\n\nDo you want to update the camera before continuing? 18158 Sending message... 18162 Clear Fields 18163 Nicknames can include only the following characters:\nAlphanumeric characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9\ndash, blank and underscore.\n\nPlease update any Nicknames\nthat do not contain the accepted characters. 18164 Editing picture 18165 addresses were found in your System.\nWould you like to import these addresses\ninto the EasyShare Address Book? 18166 One or more associated nicknames or contacts being loaded already exists and will be changed. 18167 No new addresses were found in your System. 18168 One new address was on your system.\nWould you like to import this address into the EasyShare Address Book. 18169 The Email address %s appears to be invalid.\n\n 18170 The Email address %s contains the invalid character\ncombination '..' after the @ character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18171 Nicknames can include only the following characters:\nAlphanumeric characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9, dash, blank and underscore.\n\nDo you want to edit the Nickname? 18172 A problem occurred while attempting to send your email.\n\nTo retry sending the message(s), click Retry.\nTo save the message(s) on the To Do List to perform later, click Create To Do.\nTo cancel sending the message(s), click Cancel. 18173 The Email address %s\ncontains the invalid character combination '@.'.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18174 The Email address %s\ncontains no characters before the last '@' character.\nPlease re-enter the Email address. 18175 You have selected more email addresses than the\ncamera can hold. Please deselect some of the\naddresses and try sending the address book again. 18176 If the address is correct, click OK to send the message.\nTo re-enter the address, click Cancel. 18177 If the address is correct, click OK.\nTo re-enter the address, click Cancel. 18178 One or more associated nicknames or contacts being imported are too long and will be truncated. 18179 You must create an account before using email. 18180 Best for email 18181 Original 18182 Dial up 18183 High speed 18186 Email sharing powered by Ofoto, a Kodak Company. 18187 Your pictures will be uploaded into your secure online album at Ofoto.com.\n\nThe people you share with will receive an email invitation to view your pictures online. 18188 Could not validate your Ofoto account. Please check your internet connection. 18189 The Ofoto sign in password you submitted is not valid. Passwords are case sensitive. 18190 The Ofoto account name you submitted is not valid. 18191 A problem occurred while attempting to send your email. Please try again later.\n\nTo save the message on the To Do List to perform later, close this message box, then click Create To Do. 18192 The email has exceeded the maximum number of pictures and cannot be sent. Select fewer pictures and try again. 18193 The email cannot be sent. The file %s has exceeded the file size limit. Remove this file from the message and try again. 18194 Optimize my pictures for: 18195 %d%% complete 18196 %d of %d pictures 18197 Kodak EasyShare 18198 An email invitation to view your pictures has been sent.\n\nYour pictures are available at Ofoto.com. 18199 Sending pictures... 18200 The number of files exceeds the %d allowed for an email. 18201 To proceed with emailing the %d files click OK, else click Cancel. 18202 The following files exceed the size limit %d and will not be sent: 18203 To proceed with emailing the files that can be sent click OK, else click Cancel. 18204 In order to use enhanced email sharing powered by Ofoto, you will need to setup an Ofoto account.\n\nTo change your email service settings anytime, choose Tools -> Preferences and click the Account Settings tab.